Suluguni semi-hard cheese, MJ 45%, 1 kg. It is made according to a traditional recipe from farm milk. It has a pure fermented milk, moderately salty taste, dense, layered, elastic consistency. The amount of proteins needed by the body is replenished with 100 grams of suluguni by 29% of the daily intake, the amount of fat – by 25% of the daily norm per person.The vitamin and mineral group represented in cheese is A, B 1, B 2, E, C, PP. Suluguni, with moderate consumption, can be presented as a dietary product with low energy value with a complete absence of carbohydrates. And for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with low acidity, this nutritious snack can be eaten as a preventive measure. Pregnant and lactating women will also benefit from suluguni – it improves the formation of breast milk (lactation). suluguni as an independent dish is traditionally served sliced or broken into large chunks of appetizing appearance, sprinkled with coriander or fresh basil, washed down with white wine. It can be seasoned with hot sauces – tkemali, adjika. As an addition, it is suitable for shish kebab, combined with chakhokhbili and other meat dishes of Georgian cuisine. It is used as a filling in khachapuri.